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Royal Marines Football
"Corps football whats it all about"
1930's Gallery
1930-31 RM Chatham
Right Wing pair Mne Cain & Sgt Tilsley
1930-31 RM Chatham
Mne Fearson
1930-31 RM Chatham
Left Wing pair Mne Trounce & Cpl Green
1931 Lady Tyrrwhitt performing the opening ceremony of RM Chatham's new stand
Left to Right - Brigadier R.F.C Foster., C.B,. C.M.G., D.S.O., Lady Tyrrwhitt, Mrs Foster.
In the background - Admiral Sir Reginald Y. Tyrrwhitt B.Y., G.C.B., D.S.O., D.C.L., (oxon). Comander in Cheif at the NORE
1931 RM Chatham's new stand
1931 RM Chatham's old stand
1930-31 HMS Hermes RM Football teamInter Part Shield Winners HMS Hermes Back row L to R Cpl Livingstone, Cpl Farewell, Mne Clayson, Musn Davis, Cpl Dancy, Mne E.A. Smith, Mne Fishlock. Midle row L to R Mne Brisley, Capt EJG Mackinnon D.S.O., RN., Mne Chamberlain, Capt A. Whitworth R.M., Mne H. Smith. Front row L to R Mne Robinson, Mne Earthy. | 1930-33 HMS Royal SovereignRoyal Marines football team of HMS Royal Sovereign. Winners of the RM Capital Ships Trophy 1930-31 Season Back row L to R Musn Burke, Mne Trees, Band Cpl Washburn, Mne Seldon, Cpl Longhurst, Mne Palmer, Bug Hirst. Middle row L to R Mne Kemp (Capt), Capt F.P.C Lorden RM, Capt J.M. Pipon C.M.G., M.V.O., O.B.E., RN., Comdr E.R. Archer RN, Lieut W.R.N Martin RM. Front row L to R Musn Breeze, Cpl Martin, Mne Gosling. | 1931 HMS MalayaWinners of RM Band Trophy, Atlantic Fleet. Back row L to R Musn Johnson, Band Cpl Rogers, Musn Blackett, Musn Jolliffe. Middle row L to R Musn Duxberry, Musn Goldsbury, Musn Golding, Musn Meyrick (Capt), Musn Holt, Musn Heyes. Front row L to R Musn Watkins, Band Boy Parris. |
1931 HMS Tiger Royal MarinesWinners of the Inter Part Cup 1931 Back row L to R Mne Pow, Mne Scott, Mne Potter, Mne Kearns, Mne Dale. Middle row L to R Mne Harris, Mne Cockran, Mne Price, Mne Mitchell, Mne Attwood. Front row L to R CSgt South, M.M., Mne Coombes, Capt Alcock D.S.C., RM. Mne Booth, Mne Watson Front sitting Bugler Crank (Capt) | 1931-32 RM Chatham Football TeamWinners of the Chatham Junior Charity Cup Back row L to R Mne W.L Crehan, Mne G Derbyshire, Mne G.H Watts, Mne D.H Tippler, Middle row L to R Bugler A.C Tilley, Mne R Cullen, Cpl W Pettinger, Mne F.C Rogers, Mne R.S.F Muldowney. Front row L to R Q.M.S.I Watts, Lieut P.H.O.L Penfold RM, Brigadier R.F.C. Foster, C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., A.d.C., RM, Q.M.S.I W.L. Watts (Hon Sec), Sgt W.E Turner | 1931-33 HMS Warspite, Royal MarinesRoyal Marines Football Team Winners of the Inter Part Cup 1931 & 1933 & RM Battle Sqdn Cup 1932. Back row L to R Cpl Picken, Cpl Roy, Musn Sycamore, Mne's Miles, Ronson, Renouf, Woodward, Atkinson. Seated L to R Mne Boots, Cpl Kearns, Maj W.B.F Lukis RM.,(S.R.M.O), Sgt Hill, Mne Cullen. Front row L to R Mne Bellgrove, Musn Grubb |
1934 HMS Queen Elizabeth Royal MarinesRoyal Marines Football Team Winners of the 1st B.S Royal Marines Cup Back row L to R Mne Collman, Musn Christmas, Mne Cameron, Mne Bond, Mne Muldowney, Mne Courtney (Trainer) Middle row L to R Capt E.E. Johnson RM, Mne W. Trim, S St. L Moore, Sgt Crane, Lt G.F. Burnett. Front row L to R Mne Mallard, Mne Honeywill, Musn Bevis, Mne Mason. | 1934-35 Royal Marines ChathamWinners of the Kent Amateur Cup (Croneen Shield) Back row L to R Mne Miles, Cpl Green, Mne Metcalfe, Mne Frearson, Mne killian, Mne Connan, CSgt Herron, Mne Bickham Middle row L to R Mne Barker (Hon-Sec), Sgt Papper (Capt), Brigadier W.H.L Tripp C.B., D.S.O., M.C., (President). Capt R.F Cornwall M.B.E., (Chairman), Sgt Macey (Trainer) Front row L to R Sgt Barlow, Sgt Tilsley | 1936-37 Royal Marines (Deal) FCBack row L to R Cpl Hirst, Rct Ward, Sgt Allington, Cpl Tanner, Band Cpls Campbell, Allen, Whiteman Middle row L to R Band Cpl Vale, Major Sergeant D.S.C., Brigadier R.D.H. Lough D.S.O., O.B.E., Schoolmaster Moore, B.M. Farbrother. Front row L to R Sgt Raven, Musn Hayden, Band Cpl Hopkins |
1938 HMS NewcastleBand Football Champions, Home Fleet Back row L to R A Wicker (Linesman), G Bliss, J Waller, W Preston, F Read (Capt), A Bliss, CSgt Maker (Trainer) Middle row L to R G Long, R Moncur, Maj F.P.C Lordon, Com W.Y La Beverly, C.G Watkin, T Hendry. Front row L to R G Cann, K Taylor. | 1938 Royal Marines Portsmouth FCBack row L to R CSgt S Northover, Mne R Woodward, Cpl F Farrar, D.E.A. Renouf, Cpl S Barnett, Cpl H Dobson, CSgt C Wood. Mid row L to R Mne G Britton, Mne A Owens, Cpl J Lund, Mne C Hayes, Cpl J Green Mne P Smith, LCpl C Nelson Front row L to R Sgt E King (Trainer), SSgt Major S Harrold (President of Committee), Capt R Parks-Smith RM (Vice President), Brigadier T Hunton M.V.O., O.B.E., R.M, Mne R James (Capt), Col G Seath D.S.O. RM (President) Lt C.J. Terry RM, Sgt F.H.G. Hearn (Hon Sec) | 1938 Depot RM Minor League teamJoint Winners Deal Miner League Back row L to R Rct Holland, Rct Thalwell, Band Boy Mizen, Rct Beck, Band Boy Murray. Middle row L to R Band Boy Fitch (Capt), Cpl Smith, Lt Col A.P. Dawson O.B.E., Schoolmaster (C.W.O) H Moore, Band Boy Johnson. Front row L to R Band Boy Gardner, Band Boy Dodds, Band Boy Combes, Band Boy Alltimes. |
1938 Royal Marines (Deal) FCBack row L to R Sgt Fishlock, Cpl St L Hirst, Sgt Hunt, Cpl Whitehead, Cpl Muldowney, Band Cpl Hopkins,Sgt E.J. Jarvis, Middle row L to R Sgt Allington, S.S.M Teeling, Brigadier R.D.H. Lough D.S.O., O.B.E., Lt Col A.P. Dawson O.B.E., Schoolmaster Moore, Sgt Raven. Front row L to R Musn Hayden, Musn Scudamore, Rct S. Smith, Band Cpl Allen. |
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